Open Door Interior Designs


“Woo Woo”…is that a type of candy or am I just bonkers?

May 3, 2023

A story I was told about the “Woo Woo’s” (slang for a person who believes in pseudoscience) is that Woo Woo’s attract and take advantage of gullible people; people who are weak and/or desperate for answers.  People who would spend hard-earned cash to be bamboozled.

Bamboozled” … one of my favorite words.
“Hard-earned cash” … not my words.
This is always a clue to where any story originated.
Whose language, is being used?

Does this story about the gullible person sound familiar?  It did for me. And who in their right mind wants to be that person!?  Made to look foolish…  Taken advantage of… Come on, don’t raise your hand… No one wants that!

Then there is the other story.  The one that paints the picture of someone simply being tapped into a different frequency.  Not of a higher or lower vibration, but on a different station  I mean most of us Woo Woo’s are a bit cross-wired to begin with, but I digress. What if we look at the story of a child who was allowed to be a child. To maintain a playful sense of wonder, practiced in creation, imagination, and belief.  I remember sharing with our oldest son that this was the real gift of Santa.  (Call it! BS… kids like presents) But like all fairy tales wrapped in magic, it offers us practice in the power of belief.  It’s a brain-body thing.

We all are built to believe, but sometimes the conditions that we are raised in within our family unit or our community or frankly being human, leave us forgetting where we came from and disconnect us from belief.  We want proof.  “Prove it, and I will believe it”-right? But what’s behind the power of belief if not the fact that you need to trust without proof?  Be skeptical- sure but stay curious enough to be surprised.  In all honesty, the concept of proof is also a weird logic.  Nothing is 100% foolproof, so I try to let go of the fear of feeling foolish and just accept that we all are…
Silly foolish humans.

I also try to be cautious and not get stuck in belief.  I trust that I can change my mind at any time.  Isn’t that science?  Science works to disprove what we think is true, seeking out variables of change. If our version of the truth does not change, we look to expand the variables.  Then we celebrate when the variables impact the outcome, and we learn something new.  We change.  If I’m not changing my view of the world and how I am in it, that’s when I should be most concerned.   But when I choose to accept that change is inevitable and broaden my view, magic shows up everywhere.